Guide to the Clan Dunbar Forum
Welcome to the Clan Dunbar Forum Guide! This forum is the place where numerous topics are discussed concerning Clan Dunbar events. If you are already familiar with how to navigate the forum application, please proceed here. If you are a first-time user, you can review the information below to become familiar with the organization and usage of the forum application.
Our forum is the place where collaborative discussions are facilitated concerning Clan Dunbar events. Users are invited to join in these moderated discussions. The general public may read most discussion topics, but in order to post comments or write blog posts, the user is required to register and acquire a forum login. Only after approval, can the registered user respond to discussion topics. The registration process is fairly simple; Proceed to the login screen and press the “Signup” button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Complete the Signup form with valid and reasonable values for your details:
Username - An alphanumeric name that uniquely identifies you in the forum space. Minimum 8 characters and no blank spaces please. Required and not changeable.
Nickname - An alphabetic short name that you would like forum users to reference you by. Minimum 3 characters and no blank spaces. Optional. If not specified, you will be referenced by your Username.
Email - A valid email address where forum messages can reach you. Required.
Password - Required. If you forget your password, the webmaster can reset it for you.
Captcha Verification - Please complete the Captcha verification. This helps deter web-bots from spamming the forum.
After submitting the Signup form, contact the webmaster to approve your registration. There are group assignments that you will need in order for you to have the ability to post articles in the appropriate categories.
After a successful login, the user is presented with the default Discussions screen. You will see listed down the center of the screen the active list of discussions. These are public discussions in which all users and visitors may read. However, only registered users may participate in responding to those discussions.
On the left side of the screen you should see a navigation menu that allows the user to switch to a different feature on the forum. For now, lets say hi to the forum members by “Starting a Discussion”! Above the navigation menu we just mentioned, press the “Start a Discussion” button.
After pressing the “Start a Discussion” button, you are presented with a dialog where you can write a simple post to present an idea for discussion. Let’s title our discussion by typing over the “Discussion Title” text in the edit box. Let title it, “Hello Clan Dunbar”! Just above the title edit box is a button labeled “Choose Tags”. Press this button and lets choose a tag that will automatically categorize this discussion for simple reference in the future. Select the “Discussions” tag and press the '“OK” button. Next, type a message in text area of the discussion dialog. Optionally, insert an emoji make your new post a little more interesting. Now press the “Post Discussion” button at the bottom of the dialog box.
After you have posted your new discussion, you should see the discussion in its full text and prompts for comments.
For now, press the arrow button in the top left corner of the screen to take you back to the main forum screen where you started. You should see your new post with statistics in the list of other posted discussions.
Private Discussions
Previously, we created our first discussion that was readable to all forum members as well as visitors. Next, we will create a discussion that is private between specific individuals or group. For private members to participate in these discussions, they must be registered in the forum and must have a membership to the target group. If you are not sure what groups you belong, contact the webmaster to verify you belong to a designated group.