Clan Dunbar AGM 2025

Pre-registration Information

It is time my brothers and sisters to gather once again to celebrate our shared Scottish heritage and discuss matters of important clan business. This year we will gather on the eve of 18 October, the year of our Lord 2025 near the site of Stone Mountain, Georgia. Although this venue is not as majestic as the Highlands of Scotland, its still a wonderful place to eat, drink and make merry with friends of Clan Dunbar. Our leadership has chosen to host our gathering at the 53rd Annual 2025 Stone Mountain Highland Games (SMHG) and Scottish Festival. We are in the early planning stages and are gathering information on expected attendees. If you are interested in attending, please review the details below and complete the form from the link at the bottom of this page. No payment is required at this time, as we are only planning for now. I have included schedule of events information from the SMHG website along with the Clan Dunbar AGM schedule to assist in your planning.

Dates and Schedule of Events

The Scottish festival events begins on Friday, 17 October through Sunday, 19 October 2025. The schedule of events for Clan Dunbar exclusive activities are listed below. For additional details on the general admission schedule of events for the Stone Mountain Highland Games visit their website here.

  • Friday 17th

    • 4:00PM - Clan Dunbar Tent Staging and Setup

    • 8:00PM - Sponsors and Patrons Welcome Reception (invitation only)

  • Saturday 18th

    • 8:00AM - Game fields open

    • NOON - Official Opening Ceremony

    • 5:00PM - Award Ceremony - Game fields close

    • 6:00PM - Clan Dunbar AGM (agenda and additional event details to come)

    • 8:00PM - Scottish Evening Ceilidh

  • Sunday 19th

    • 8:00AM - Game fields open

    • 4:30PM - Official Closing Ceremony

    • 5:00PM - Game fields close

Event Costs and Estimates

I am including cost details for the AGM/SMHG here for your consideration. Note, these estimates are subject to change based on overall number of Clan Dunbar AGM guests attending. We must attain a minimum of 20 attendees else we are charged additional fees for the venue rental and catering.

  • If you are attending the Friday Evening SMHG Sponsors Reception as an invited guest, the cost is $395 per couple. You get:

    • Tickets for Friday evening event to the SMHG Sponsor reception.

    • Tickets for the Clan Dunbar AGM Banquet for the couple

    • Tickets for Saturday and Sunday events to the SMHG festival for the couple

    • Access to the Field Hospitality Area during SMHG festival events.

    • Recognition of your support in our Stone Mountain Highland Games Program

  • If you are attending the Saturday Evening Clan Dunbar AGM, the cost is $135 per guest. You get:

    • Ticket for the Clan Dunbar AGM Banquet

    • Ticket for Saturday and Sunday events to the SMHG festival

  • In addition to Saturday’s events, if you would like to attend the 8:00pm Ceilidh, the cost is $15 per guest.

  • If you would like to park a vehicle onto the Stone Mountain Park, the cost is $35 per vehicle.

    • Clan Dunbar will be operating a private shuttle for our own guests for transportation from the host hotel to the Stone Mountain Park. We will also provide transportation on Thursday, Friday and Sunday from and back to the Atlanta airport. You should not require a rental vehicle unless you want to do your own sightseeing.

    • The Hilton hotel has a shuttle service but note it may not operate with regularity and does not operate after 5:00pm.

  • If you would like to drive your RV and park it on the Stone Mountain Campgrounds, contact me directly for details and associated costs.

Atlanta Hilton Northeast

Host Hotel and Lodging

The Atlanta Hilton Northeast is the host hotel for the Stone Mountain Highland Games. Note that it is not on the Stone Mountain property. Therefore, shuttle services are required to transport guests back and forth from the hotel to the park. Clan Dunbar has a negotiated rate for a block of rooms at the Atlanta Hilton Northeast. To view these rates (and make your reservation!), you must use this link only: Host Hotel Booking Link

Clan Dunbar to be Featured as the Honored Clan

This years events will have special meaning for Clan Dunbar as the Authorities for the Stone Mountain Clans Association has designated Clan Dunbar to be this year’s Honored Clan! This is a special honor that comes with some additional responsibilities at the SMHG festival. This hasn’t been announced to the general public yet, but will be coordinated with release of our own Clan Dunbar social media announcements. Nothing for you to do for now, except to make plans and seriously consider attending these events in October to support Clan Dunbar.


Directions to Stone Mountain Park

The address to the park is:

Stone Mountain Park

1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd

Stone Mountain, GA. 30083

Directions from Atlanta Hilton Northeast to Stone Mountain Park

Pre-registration Instructions

We ask that you access and complete the pre-registration form here. We stand ready to answer any questions you may have.

Tony Dunbar, Clan Webmaster
